Insulation board EPS Grey

With 20% better insulation performance than white EPS

Insulate roofs, walls, foundations etc with thinner boards and get the same performance as with traditional insulation

The grey colour of EPS Grey is achieved by adding graphite, which improves insulation performance by 20% compared to traditional white EPS.

The closed cells of EPS Grey trap air within the material. The trapped air is a poor conductor of heat, which slows down the transfer of heat. The result is a warmer indoor climate and better energy efficiency.




20% better insulation than white EPS

Well insulated

Protects against cold, wind, moisture and mould

Light and strong

Low weight with high compressive strength


EPS Grey is 100% recyclable

Insulate the foundation with EPS Grey

Using our EPS Grey board to insulate the foundation gives you 20% better insulation performance compared to traditional white EPS. You’ll minimize problems with moisture and mould and lower your energy costs. The insulation boards are light and easy to work with.

On the roof

Our insulation boards are light and easy to apply. They can be walked on and be combined with almost any kind of waterproofing.

The right roof insulation increases living space and eliminates problems with thermal bridges. It also lowers the need for insulation around the floor structure and supplies air to the eaves.

BEWI EPS Grey works on any surface and protects against problems with moisture and mould.

You can walk on BEWI EPS Grey on roofs during construction without breaking it. The EPS can also handle a rain shower without losing its properties.

Insulate the facade

Our EPS GREY insulation boards work as both weather-boards and thermal insulation. They can be used in new constructions and renovations and together with plaster. They are applied on the wall with fasteners.