Video surveillance statement
BEWi Camera Surveillance Statement v2.6
BEWI makes use of video surveillance at its sites, in order to protect you, our customers, our employees, visitors and their and our belongings. The use of video surveillance requires a careful consideration of privacy rights of those persons captured by the cameras. In this video surveillance statement you can read how BEWI ensures we respect your rights:
Cameras are only put in place for the safety of employees, customers and/or visitors, prevention of theft and/or vandalism, protection of property, logistics or a combination of the above. Video images are not used for other, not specified, purposes. The legal ground for processing video images we rely on is the legitimate interest of BEWI, which includes the weighing of interests on a case-by-case basis and legal obligation (such as health and safety law).
Video surveillance is not permitted on the following locations:
In changing rooms, toilets and other locations where one may expect a higher degree of privacy;
Aimed at a person’s working station, unless this is unavoidable and absolutely necessary.
The public road is only captured on the images insofar as this is unavoidable.
Video images are saved for a maximum of 72 hours, unless the images relate to a specific incident and are needed for the processing of this incident.
Video surveillance is always announced with clear signs or stickers, which refer to this statement.
BEWI does not make use of hidden cameras, unless this is needed in case of a reasonable suspicion of fraud or theft.
Cameras and video images are always appropriately secured.
Only certain employees have access to the video images, this is registered per camera/location. Other employees may only obtain the images insofar as they need them for handling an incident.
Video images will only be shared with other organisations if this is needed to protect the interests of BEWI, or when we are obligated to do so by law.
If your image is caught on camera, you have the right to get access those images, but only in so far as no other person’s privacy or rights are not infringed by the access.
You may request access to or deletion of images that contain your image, or request that, based on your specific personal circumstances, the video surveillance or use of your images is stopped. Our Privacy Officer decides whether the request can be granted in four weeks’ time and will inform you of the decision within that time frame.
If a supplier is used for the provision of video surveillance, a data protection agreement is in place. This statement is part of such agreements.
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