Climate change adaptation

Climate change has an impact on BEWI’s operations and represents financial risks and opportunities. The company is exposed to both physical and transitional risks and opportunities. BEWI mitigates its climate related risks by integrating the recommendations from the Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and by adapting its business to a circular economy based on renewable energy sources. Both these mitigation measures are key elements in the company’s strategy to make value chains more resilient.

Relevant projects

TCFD implementation

In 2023, BEWI will continue the work to finalise the disclosures in line with the TCFD recommendations with an emphasis to increase knowledge about climate related risks and opportunities and to ensure that these are integrated in both governance, strategy and management approach and are part of the company`s daily operation.

3rd party-verified mapping of local climate risk

A mapping of physical and transitional risks was conducted by the management in 2021 and a physical risk assessment of all production facilities and warehouses was conducted in 2022. The company are in the process of arranging workshops, aiming at identifying potential impact on facilities and operations, and agreeing on mitigation measures

Relevant policies

Environment policy