Extraordinary general meeting held in BEWiSynbra Group AB (publ)
Extraordinary general meeting held in BEWiSynbra Group AB (publ)
Press release September 28, 2018
Directed share issue and completion of the acquisitions of BEWi Produkter AS, BEWi Polar AS and BEWi Automotive AB
The extraordinary general meeting resolved in accordance with the Board’s proposal to increase the company’s share capital by no more than SEK 392,615.25 through an issue of not more than 8,098,099 class A shares. The new shares shall be paid with non-cash consideration consisting of all the shares in BEWi Produkter AS, all the shares in BEWi Polar AS and 34,314 shares in BEWi Automotive AB. The right to subscribe for the new shares shall, with deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, exclusively belong to Frøya Invest AS and KMC Family AS.
Detailed terms of the share issue are set out in the notice of the extraordinary general meeting available on BEWiSynbra’s website www.bewisynbra.com.
In connection with the directed new issue of shares, BEWiSynbra today completed the acquisition of all the shares in BEWi Produkter AS, BEWi Polar AS and BEWi Automotive AB as announced on 10 September 2018.
For further information, please contact:
Charlotte Knudsen, IR Manager, BEWiSynbra, tel: +47 9756 1959
BEWiSynbra is an innovative player and a vital component of European business, offering qualified and sustainable packaging solutions and insulation systems for buildings. The Group’s products protect and safeguard the transportation of foodstuffs, electronics and many other types of sensitive products, and meet legislators’ increasingly strict requirements for more efficient insulation of buildings. The Group has around 1,300 employees in six countries and sales of approximately SEK 4.8 billion, and its registered office is located in Solna, Sweden.
The information is such that BEWiSynbra Group AB (publ) is required to disclose in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014/EU). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 13.30 CET on 28 September 2018.