BEWI – Sales of shares in KMC Properties ASA


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BEWI – Sales of shares in KMC Properties ASA

BEWI ASA has today, Monday 4 December 2023, sold 28 807 359 shares in the real estate group KMC Properties ASA at market price, which will be settled in cash. Following the sale, BEWI does not own any shares in KMC Properties ASA.


Charlotte Knudsen, Director of IR and Communications BEWI ASA, tel: +47 9756 1959


BEWI is an international provider of packaging, components, and insulation solutions. The company’s commitment to sustainability is integrated throughout the value chain, from production of raw materials and end goods, to recycling of used products. With a vision to protect people and goods for a better every day, BEWI is leading the change towards a circular economy.

BEWI ASA is listed at the Oslo Børs under ticker BEWI.

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