Our strategy

We have high ambitions at BEWI and moving toward 2030 our sustainability strategy gives us a roadmap to the future
A continued effort

Becoming circular

Inspired by the UN Sustainability Goals, we aim to become truly circular in our production processes and to have a business built on renewable energy by 2030. Through continued effort, we will strive to reduce our CO2 emissions and increase our use of recycled materials, as well as improve our environmental and social commitments at every turn.

Responsible waste management

BEWI is committed to becoming truly circular and has an ambition to collect 60 000 tons of EPS annually.

This is part of our goal to recycle the same amount of material (with a lifetime of less than one year) that we supply to the market each year. The processed waste will be used in new products and as new raw material.

Products made from recycled material, like our Green line, have unique isolation properties that can contribute to reducing the climate footprint of building.

For more information see:

BEWI Circular

Sustainable design

To be more sustainable as a company, we need to reduce the amount of virgin raw material that we use in our products.

To achieve this result, we believe that we need to focus on sustainable resource and life cycle management. And that we need to design with durability and reusability in mind.

By improving design, we can develop products that are longer lasting, more suitable for recycling, and easier to transport.

Responsible production

All our production units are ISO 14001 certified and we work continuously to improve our environmental performance.

Our plan is to reduce the amount of chemicals in our processes and to prioritize the use of renewable energy. We will also focus on waste reduction and waste separation while manufacturing, always keeping reuse and recycling top of mind.

Production stories and cases

Sustainable energy

We aim to significantly reduce the amount of energy we use in total each year, and to switch to renewable sources.

By 2030, we are committed to reducing our CO2 emissions related to energy consumption by 55%. We will do this by streamlining our production and purposefully increasing our use of fossil-free energy solutions.

Responsible procurement

BEWI has a significant annual purchasing volume and we try to use this power for good.

By setting clear goals, mapping and actively collaborating and engaging with our suppliers, we can ensure that our materials and services are responsibly sourced. Both in terms of resource efficiency and in regard to climate change, social responsibility and economic resilience for the area.

Insulation for infrastructure

Sustainable transport

Distribution of products accounts for much of our CO2 emissions, which is why we are always looking for smarter ways to operate.

Our goal is to create cleaner and leaner logistics by doing things like filling vehicles more efficiently and prioritising non fossil alternatives.

Sustainable societies

We believe that building a truly inclusive and sustainable society requires effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

BEWI as a company has an important role to play in this by being a responsible employer, partner, and neighbour. We can make a difference in the countries where we operate by promoting equality, human and labour rights, anti-corruption, and inclusive decision making.

We pledge to:

done Create a learning environment where our employees can reach their full potential.
done Make gender equality a reality though external and internal recruitments.
done Never compromise with health and safety, and to work with a zero accident policy.