CIRCULUM® Flame retardant grades

These grades are designed to ward off fire. Usually, insulation materials in walls and floors are easily flammable. By adding our flame retardant EPS to your insulation, you also boost fire protection.
The benefits of our flame retardant grades reach further, as the insulation properties of these grades also increases the level of insulation. We produce flame retardant beads in sizes ranging from 0.5 mm to 2 mm, which covers all applications from thin-walled and detailed products to light insulation boards. They can be shape moulded and block moulded as you require.

Product Flame retardant Block Moulding Insulation performance Bead size range (mm) Usual bulk density range (kg/m3) Typical applications Technical Information
Standard Flame retardant grades
NF-314e/p close close add 1.2-2.5 10-30 Light insulation board - block moulding Hent download
NF-414e close close close add 1.0-1.6 10-30 Light insulation board - block or shape moulding Hent download
NF-514p close close close add 0.7-1.6 10-30 Light insulation board - block or shape moulding Hent download
NF-614e close close close add 0.6-1.0 15-40 Thick-walled shapemoulded products and heavy insulation board - block moulding Hent download
NF-714p close close close add 0.6-1.0 15-40 Thick-walled shapemoulded products and heavy insulation board - block moulding Hent download
NF-814e close close close add 0.4-0.7 20-40 Thick-walled shapemoulded products and heavy insulation board - block moulding Hent download
NF-914p close close close add 0.4-0.7 20-40 Thick-walled shapemoulded products and heavy insulation board - block moulding Hent download
Low pentane Flame retardant grades
NF-454e close close close add 1.0-1.6 15-40 Light and heavy insulation board - block or shape moulding Hent download
NF-654e close close close add 0.6-1.0 15-40 thick-walled shapemoulded products and heavy insulation board - block moulding. Hent download
Low water uptake flame retardant grades
NF-334p close close close add 1.2-2.5 10-30 Light and heavy insulation board - block or shape moulding. Applications where low water absorption is required, like frost insulation and building perimeter Hent download
NF-534p close close close add 0.8-1.6 10-30 Light and heavy insulation board - block or shape moulding. Applications where low water absorption is required, like frost insulation and building perimeter Hent download
NF-734p close close close add 0.6-1.0 15-40 Thick-walled shapemoulded products and heavy insulation board - block moulding. Applications where low water absorption is required, like frost insulation and building perimeter Hent download