Drums & Pails

Multipurpose drums and pails for almost any product

A wide selection, ranging from thin-walled pails to large, rugged multipurpose drums

Our thin-walled pails minimize packaging weight and are used by a wide array of industries for different products. They have excellent top-loading performance, high stackability and first-class nesting properties for easy storage and transport, which help lower costs.

We offer both lightweight, sturdy multipurpose drums as well as large rugged multipurpose drums with lids. An efficient solution for food and other products that often are transported in large quantities.

We work to keep raw materials in the loop for as long as possible, to reduce the total use of raw materials. The pails and drums are hygienic, washable and can be re-used over and over again.

All drums and pails are food approved and have lids. Other colours are available on request.




Used by a number of industries for different products


For easy storage and transport


Lower transport costs and smoother logistics


Ideal for deep freeze

Variations - Drums/pails

BEWI Pail 10 L 3065 Thin-walled pail. With lid.
BEWI Pail 15 L 3066 Thin walled pail. With lid.
Safety pail 15 L 3250 High impact safety pail. Sealed with lid 3252. With lid.
Safety pail 20 L 3270 High impact safety pail. Sealed with lid 3252. With lid
BEWI Drum 30 L 3510 Lightweight multipurpose drum with good strength and durable handles, with lid.
BEWI Drum 50 L 3530 Rugged multipurpose drum. With lid.
BEWI Drum 100 L 3540 Rugged multipurpose drum. With lid.


ART. NO. DESCRIPTION STOCK Ext. dimension (cm) Weight Material QTY. / pallet
3065BEWI Pail 10 lStockh 23, nd bottom/top 29.5/25.10.34 kgPP220 Pcs.
3066BEWI Pail 15 l ThinStockh 31.1, nd top/ bottom 29.5/25.10.46 kgPP220 Pcs.
3067Lid for BEWI Pail 3065, 3066Stocknd 290.084 kgPP3520 Pcs.
3250Safety pail 15 lRequesth 30.6, nd top/ bottom 31.3/26.50.725 kgPP216 Pcs.
3270Safety pail 20 lStockh 38.8, nd top/ bottom 31.1/26.50.769 kgPP162 Pcs.
3252Lid for 3250-0 and 3270-0Stocknd 31.20.24 kgPP486 Pcs.
3510BEWI Drum 30 lStockh 41.3, nd top/ bottom 37.6/311 kgPP180 Pcs.
3512Lid for drum 3510Stocknd 370.215 kgPP900 Pcs.
3530BEWI Drum 50 lStockh 54, nd top/ bottom 40/34.51.63 kgPP60 Pcs.
3502Lid for drum 3530Stocknd 39.90.41 kgLLDPE400 Pcs.
3540BEWI Drum 100 lStockh 69.5, nd top/ bottom 48.5/42.93.39 kgPP24 Pcs.
3542Lid for drum 3540Stocknd 48.70.7 kgLLDPE150 Pcs.

Documents — Drums & Pails