BEWI launches new products with reduced CO2 footprint, accelerating the change to a circular economy.
BEWI launches new products with reduced CO2 footprint, accelerating the change to a circular economy.
BEWI, a leader in sustainable packaging, components, and insulation solutions introduces new products based on recycled feedstock, demonstrating its commitment to resource efficiency and a circular economy. By using the mass balance approach, BEWI can offer its customers a range of products with reduced CO2 footprint.
“Providing our customers with sustainable and circular solutions has long been a top priority. We have invested significantly in circular capabilities since 2018, and since we produce our own raw material as well as end products, we control the full circular loop. This makes BEWI uniquely positioned to offer products with a reduced CO2 footprint,” explains Christian Bekken, CEO of the BEWI Group.
BEWI Circular collects and recycles feedstock from used EPS packaging and insulation solutions, such as fishboxes and construction debris. The mass balance approach allows for recycled EPS to be used in one industry while being accounted for in another. This enables use of recycled material in new industries, for example food packaging and pharmaceutical, providing customers with the possibility to reduce its CO2 footprint in line with their climate reductions plans.
“We are now able to offer products with a much lower CO2 footprint, enabling our customers to take action to reduce their own CO2 emissions,” says Camilla Bjerkli, Chief Sustainability Officer of the BEWI Group.
BEWI’s raw material and packaging facilities are certified by REDcert, an independent third party auditing the material flow and the mass balance approach, meaning that BEWI can meet customers’ demand for recycled solutions in more industries and increase resource efficiency across its platform.
“By taking this step, we expand our circular and recycled product portfolio, further develop our recycling platform, and strengthen our market position as an innovative and sustainable company. All in line with our strategic priorities”, Bekken ends.
BEWI has an ambitious target of collecting 60 000 tons of EPS waste annually and increase the use of recycled material in its product offering. The launch of products based on recycled feedstock brings the company closer to this target, confirming the commitment to leading the change towards a circular economy.
Charlotte Knudsen, Director of IR and Communications BEWI ASA, tel: +47 9756 1959
BEWI is an international provider of packaging, components, and insulation solutions. The company’s commitment to sustainability is integrated throughout the value chain, from production of raw materials and end goods, to recycling of used products. With a vision to protect people and goods for a better every day, BEWI is leading the change towards a circular economy.
BEWI ASA is listed at the Oslo Børs under ticker BEWI.
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