BEWI introduces Jackoboard Ligno

construction boards made with bio-based and recycled raw material

BEWI presents construction boards made with recycled material and bio-based lignin

With the introduction, BEWI demonstrates its effort to offer products with lower carbon footprint. The innovation aligns with the emissions reduction targets in the building and construction industry, as well as with BEWI’s own ambitions to become circular, including increase the use of recycled and non-fossil materials in the product offering.


Facilitating advancements in the building sector

By combining bio-based lignin with rGPPS, which is recycled raw material, we address current environmental challenges and set standards for future advancements in the building sector”, says Karl Erik Olesen, EVP and head of BEWI’s insulation and construction segment.



60 per cent reductions in CO2 emissions

Jackoboard Ligno is tileable construction boards with a core of XPS (extruded polystyrene) covered with concrete, designed for waterproof bathroom constructions. The XPS core is made with rGPPS (recycled general-purpose polystyrene) and lignin. Lignin is a by-product from the paper industry, a biopolymer from plant cells and wood. The composition results in a 60 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions compared to conventional XPS, while maintaining the excellent product properties of traditional construction boards.

“Jackoboard Ligno offers a practical solution to environmental challenges without compromising quality and functionality, helping our customers in the building and construction sector to reach their climate reduction targets”, Olesen ends.