
The organic, sustainable insulation and packaging material comparable to EPS
We couldn't make it any greener

BioFoam® is suited for long-term use in virtually all technical and packaging applications, and has more or less the same properties as EPS.



The first organic-based foam


Less CO2 emissions

Less CO2 emissions during production than other packaging materials


Insulates and protects

With similar properties as EPS, BioFoam® is an excellent material for protecting and insulation



Recyclable, reusable and biodegradable

Finite or infinite?

EPS is made of polymers that are based on fossil raw materials, a finite source. BioFoam®, on the other hand, consists of biopolymers made from renewable resources such as corn starch and sugarcane, an infinite source. It’s the first organic-based foam.

Even less CO2 emissions

BioFoam® was the first biological foam packaging in the world to be Cradle to Cradle certified. BioFoam® products can be endlessly reused without a loss of quality and BioFoam® drastically reduces CO2 emissions. The energy required to produce EPS was the lowest of all packaging materials. Now it has been surpassed by BioFoam®, which has even less CO2 emissions during production.


Excellent for insulation and packaging

BioFoam® has excellent insulation properties, insensitivity to moisture and is rot free, fungal proof and resistant to UV-radiation. It has high shock absorption and retains its shape even after heavy impact.


Molded and cut

BioFoam® is durable and can be used in both moulded parts and in (contour) cut products. This allows for a wide range of technical products and packaging solutions and unprecedented freedom of design.


Since BioFoam® is organic, it can be reused in a closed-loop. It’s also biodegradable and can be industrially composted at high temperatures.